United Webisodes

You all know the TrackMania United Webisodes, right? Sure you do. They’re quite old already, but in case you’ve actually missed one or several of them, here’s a video collection of all five. If you’re among those who bought the game this spring, perhaps you’ll learn something new. If you’re one of the players who has had the game since last autumn, you probably know all the details by now, but still, it’s fun just watching them anyway 😛

When watching these I just can’t help thinking that it would be great if everything was as perfect as the female voice in the videos make it sound. Like the copper video, for example. Somehow it sounds so awesome and perfect, while in reality coppers aren’t really that valuable or useful. The voice is kind of exaggerated too, don’t you think?

But who am I to complain? The videos are cool and the game is amazing 😀

2 Responses to United Webisodes

  1. TimeBreaker says:

    lol the womens voice is that slow, i really felt tired after all 5 webisodes, which i have heard of before but never knew or wanted to know what it really is 😛
    now i feel as clever as before 😛

  2. micster says:

    That voice had me in stitches first time I heard it. 😛

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